Do you have a child who is turning 2 or 3 on or before 31st August 2023? We would love to welcome them to our nursery setting here at Southbroom Infant School! Learn more here:

Our nursery provision focuses on the individual needs of each child and helping them develop crucial foundational skills. We also aim to make the transition to primary school as smooth as possible by helping each child get accustomed to the school environment.

Located on-site in a purpose-built facility, our nursery setting includes highly interactive and safe outdoor and indoor spaces. Children can thrive in our nurturing environment and are looked after by experienced and dedicated staff.

Our nursery children benefit from being part of our wonderful Infants school, making the step up to reception less daunting, as well as enabling children to adjust to school life and routine. This helps children when they progress from our nursery to our primary school, as they settle in quickly to familiar surroundings.

The Southbroom Nursery provision is available for children aged 2 to 4 years old.

To find out more about our fantastic nursery and apply for your child's place, please go to:

We can’t wait to welcome you and your child to our nursery!