Welcome to our Nursery Class Page. This is home to all of the amazing learning that takes place in our Finches and Robins Classes. 

Our Nursery team is made up of Mrs Bailey, Miss Dalley and Mrs Smith.

In our Nursery, we aim to deliver an exciting, engaging curriculum that provides individual and appropriate challenge. This is through playful activities and rich learning opportunities which are relevant to all children. Children will be supported to take risks in an environment which offers stimulating resources and encourages exploration.

Please see a snapshot of the excellent learning that takes place in our nursery below:

In Term One, we held 'Parent Curriculum Meetings' which were an opportunity for all parents to come into school so see what their children will be learning across the academic year. Please find a copy of the presentations below. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your child's class teacher.

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The document below provides information for parents and carers on the end of year expectations for children in our school.

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Come and have a look inside our wonderful nursery learning spaces.