Family Support Advisor

At Infant School, our family support worker is Zoe Pletts. Zoe’s role within school focuses on supporting families with any questions, issues, or problems they might have. 

The main role of the family support advisor is to provide support to pupils and families with routines, behaviour, mental health, bereavement and making referrals to external agencies, alongside supporting families during times of need or worry. Zoe runs parenting courses to help with routines and behaviour and can give friendly advice on a wide range of issues. She holds regular coffee mornings for our parents which are an open forum to ask questions, gain advice and meet other parents who may be in a similar situation.

Zoe is here to help with any concerns or questions you may have about your child or family life in general.

Our Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA)

As well as Family Support Advisor, Zoe is our ELSA at Southbroom Infant School. As ELSA, Zoe’s role focuses on the emotional wellbeing of pupils and provides children with targeted interventions to support with friendships, bereavement, managing emotions and feels and much more.

Mrs Pletts has lots of activities and resources that support a wide range of worries and concerns. 

To find out more about Mrs Pletts’ role as ELSA, click the button below.

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Take a look at our ELSA room where Mrs Pletts is based