At Southbroom Infants' School we are lucky to have a great team of warm, friendly staff. They are highly motivated, committed, and passionate about providing our pupils with the best education possible.

Leadership Team

Mrs A. Edwards - Head of School and Designated Safeguard Lead

Miss A. Davies - Assistant Principal

Mrs B.Thompson - SENCo

Pupil Services Team

Mrs N. Potter - Pupil Services Officer

Mrs E. Fruen - Pupil Services Officer

Teaching Staff

Miss M. Bailey - Nursery Room Lead

Miss S. Morgan - EYFS Lead and Reception Class Teacher

Miss A. Davies - Year 1 Class Teacher

Mrs K. Butterfield - Year 1 Class Teacher

Miss C. Shearer - Year 2 Class Teacher

Teaching Assistants

Mrs M. Bailey - Early Years Practitioner

Mrs J.Raymond - Early Years Practitioner

Miss L. Dalley - Early Years Practitioner

Miss S. Smith - Teaching Assistant

Mrs S. Hunter - Teaching Assistant


Miss L. Dalley

Mrs T. Barratt

Mrs S. Smith

Pastoral Team

Mrs Z. Pletts - Family Support Worker and Emotional Literacy Support Assistant


Southbroom Infants' School is not only a great school for pupils, it’s also a fantastic school for teachers. Working in partnership with The White Horse Federation, we offer teachers extensive support, fantastic resources, and a range of training opportunities. We welcome teachers of all experience, whether they have recently qualified or have been teaching for many years. If you are interested in joining Southbroom Infants' School, follow the link below: